Brookhill Family…
We are currently starting and developing new leaders for our small group ministry, called Connection Groups. We are looking for people to recognize someone they believe meet the qualifications listed below and refer them to the staff! We are starting in groups to start in January of 2023! As well looking for more leaders for additional groups in September. Pray with us we seek to make environments where God filled community is fostered, people find their God given purpose and connect to others on a regular life-giving basis!
Qualities for leaders
1. A Christian member of Brookhill growing in their Faith
2. Individuals who are teachable and humble
3. Someone who attracts others into a group with them and connects socially with lots of different personalities
4. People who are available and willing to give up their time and energy for this ministry
Leader: ???
If interested let the church staff know!
Forest Area Leader: Mehalls/Sexton/
Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m.
Madison Heights/Lynchburg Leader: Garris/Mundys/
Thursdays @ 7:00 p.m.
Bedford Area Leader: Gene & Sharon Amstutz
Sundays @ 8:30 a.m.